Friday, 20 April 2012


Back to 3D!! For my final animation for first year I am going to do 3D, as much as I love traditional animation I want to give it a try.

I am surprised with this as I thought I would be more interested in drawing out the frames, that is what I was always into but since doing this course I have been more drawn towards 3D. I also think its a good idea as it gets me more developed in cinema 4D.

A few ideas for this animation:

First was to do a young girl called Gabby, I am inspired by Tim Burton (As most animators are) and thought I would make her a bit creepy but still cute. Not sure if I achieved that but here she is...

Once I started to create her in cinema 4D I wasn't entirely happy, she is more of a drawn character rather than 3D.

Next I just went straight into cinema 4D, created a circle for a head and then used the body I had created for Gabby and started playing around with the tools. The character I have created wasn't pre planned he just came out as I was trying the extrude tools.

After adding these colours I wasnt 100% happy so looked in the cinema 4d textures and found a nice one for the goggles. And I used a paintbrush from photoshop for the pattern on his coat.

Here is the animation I made - again as all work I could add more to make it better but that's what experimenting is all about and tests. I am not sure why I added all the shapes and the ending of this, it again was testing movements of things. And also sound would be good!

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